Emerging into 2024
It’s the 10th of January and this is probably, most definitely, the first thing I’ve written for public consumption, in quite a long time. I’m a communicator by nature but well with all the things happening on planet Earth over the last year it’s caused me to spend a lot of time thinking rather than pontificating. It’s difficult at times to express my thoughts when there are so many events happening elsewhere that just seem so much more grave, and significant than my own experiences. It’s easy to sideline yourself when your attention, thoughts and feelings are stuck on thinking. I’ve been quite loath to post a great deal on social media about my own happenings as much of them have felt inconsequential in comparison to what is happening out there.
Of course, I’ve been shocked and dismayed and distraught by the atrocities of war, fighting and inhumanity that has been inflicted on innocent people and it’s still going on in multiple places in the world. I’m dismayed that in 2024 our world is so broken and full of hurt. The lack of compassion, empathy and love is shocking. It haunts me every day and I know that my sadness is nothing compared to the hurt and pain and suffering that people are going through. What can or should be done? Are we powerless to make a difference or to make the hurt stop? I don’t know what the answer is and somehow praying and meditating seem entirely facile, probably because they are.
I hope in my heart that all people can live in peace and safety, in harmony with each other and with the ability to live their lives in and with love. Is that really too much to ask for?